Thursday, January 20, 2011

Journaling-2011 thoughts

10,000 steps of faith. That's what 2011 is about at our house. It isn't about the BIG idea or the next BIG thing. It won't be what happens around the corner that will bring us joy. It is about taking 10,000 steps of faith. This article by Paul Tripp encouraged me, it might spur you on too.

So here are my little steps for this new year-most are things that I do everyday, but that's what I wanted. I want things that I can accomplish and that are valuable to me. Nothing earth shattering on my list, but I hope to keep walking towards God-towards the things of God-pointing in my little life, people-especially my kids and husband towards God. The mundane is important! May I keep my heart, mind, soul, body working with everything in me to faithfully care for my family-SO THAT THEY SEE JESUS.

But only by His grace, only by His grace.

1. Read through the Bible this year
2. Read one book a month. Anything-from fiction to theology to comics
3. Walk a few times a week outside, exploring with the kids-just get outside
4. One date a month with Justin and kids
5. Keep the blog updated
6. Pray while doing dishes
7. Search articles/books/blogs and discuss nutrition with friends
8. Invite friends/neighbors over for dinner once a month
9. Get out of dodge-have a holiday, on the spur of a moment and a planned trip
10. Make memories and blog them-printing off the blog into books
11. Buy flowers for the table, as many times as I can
12. Dance with the kids
13. Invest in people-time, talents, treasures: O2 groups, sweet girls, family, neighbors, friends
14. Make sleep a priority
15. Memorize Scripture -use TCC Scripture memory cards.

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