Friday, January 21, 2011

Friends. Sisters.

Katie has an imagination that is REALLY real. Everything talks in our house and has a mind of its own. Buzz Lightyear flies around our heads all the time. Jessie is constantly saying YeeHaw. Julie the cheerleader is bouncing here and there and joins in conversations all. the. time. Then there are the imaginary animals that sneak into her room, but they are kind. Oh except for the Bumble off Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer-his teeth had to be taken out in order to be kind. But he's kind now. Or there is Henry the purple elephant that plays hid and seek at nighttime. I heard he was in Kansas recently with our little friend Issac, but I am sure he made it back by now. There are ballerinas, cowgirls, and puppy dogs named Bucha. Anytime you would like some imagination play, come on over!
Julie the cheerleader and Jessie the cowgirl are the best of friends. And then some days they are sisters. You just never know.

Then there is Magnolia Grace Hime and Lily Grace Hime. Both are American Girl dolls from Nana and are in need of nursing, singing to, hugging etc all the time too. They are sisters and sometimes I am their grandma-oh boy! Katie puts them down to bed, changes their clothes and has conversations with them about obeying and being kind to each other. Owen even walks around patting their backs. These girls are Katie's sisters though she asked me a few days ago, "when is my new little sister going to come home?" Not sure what she was referring to, though I am pretty sure she firmly believes she will have a little real sister someday.
So if you are ever at our house you will definitely have to come see all the girls. If you stay to long you will be roped into talking for them and playing! :)
I just got done with a bit of play time with Katie and the dolls. It is precious to see her care for these 'little ones' as she says. And it has also provided a way to teach things to her. It is amazing that by playing on her level so much of her world can be seen by me. Praise the Lord for moments like this that help me to love her by simply playing.
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1 comment:

Jackie said...

Love the imagination that Katie has! But oh the differences between boys and girls. Our house is full of monsters that always need baming. I should talk more about whether or not they are obeying in an effort to encourage that more. It's certainly an area we are constantly working on!!