Monday, January 31, 2011

Being like Momma

I was trying to have my quiet time during the kids rest time on Sunday. I was on our comfortable couch, with a warm and fuzzy blanket, with my Bible and 'read through the Scriptures in a year' paper. Ahhh, I was going to relax and read.
It didn't last long. At least by myself-didn't last long. Katie managed to come out of her room, with her Bible, sit on the couch and say, "I want to read my Bible like you, Momma!" Oh, I didn't want to discourage that! (but it was sorta of a disobedience....hum....) But deep in my heart, I loved the idea of snuggling on the couch reading.
And as you can tell, there wasn't much quiet time after that. She wanted to have a full theological conversation about her Princess Bible and about what I was reading as well. Got to love you, little girl; stay in the Word!
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