Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dear God.

On Thursday, Katie and I were having a difficult time communicating. Here is how it went...

Me- Katie! Stop! Stop! Move over there, towards the wall and don't move.

Katie-Why Momma? Why? I don't want to.

Me-Katie, obey immediately. (Katie slowly moves away from the bathroom sink and over to the wall.)

Katie-Mom, I wanted to show...

Me-Don't talk right now. I am going to pray and decide what I need to do. I started to pray out loud. I had no idea how to handle the situation. The water was on-and everywhere and a few things were plugged into the sockets near by. It could have been super dangerous.
Dear God. Please help me patiently teach Katie that she was in danger-things were plugged in and water should not be close to those. Help her learn that sometimes she needs to ask for help BEFORE she tries to help me by doing a chore. Help me to be kind and loving. Help me to think clearly so I can tell her what I was frustrated about. And may I point her to Jesus.

Katie-starting to pray WHILE I am praying out loud. God? Could you help Mommy see that I was trying to help her clean the sink? Could you help her understand that I was being careful. Please help her and me have patience. Please help her see Jesus too.


Katie-thank you Jesus, Amen.

--After hearing Katie start to pray WHILE I was praying my heart was humbled and softened towards the situation. Plus, it melted my heart! I know her intentions were to help me by doing a chore. We had a good talk and I think she understand a little bit better how to be safe IE- talk to Momma first before doing a chore for me! :)

But her praying while I pray in response to my prayer was priceless. She hears SO much of what goes on. I do hope she continues to say what is on her heart to God. To plead and be open to Him. He is always listening. And her prayers did help me have patience and love towards the situation :)

1 comment:

Metlife said...

Thanks, now I am crying :)