Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Pie

I have been trying to find fun ways to eat food. It has been great for me to be intentionally thinking about what my kids eat and if it is good for them. One thing that we all love around here is peanut butter. So one morning, I got up a few minutes (or seconds :) before the kiddos and made them peanut butter pies. They each had their own glass with chopped up bananas and a spoon full of peanut butter. I think it was a hit and now I can say, "I have served pie for breakfast"!
We have also done apples and peanut butter with some ants (raisins or craisins) in there for an extra yummy treat. I have yet to add some chocolate chucks-dark chocolate from TJ's, but someday I will add them for the ultimate special treat. But maybe I won't do that at breakfast. hehe...

And if you are looking to make a healthy switch to good peanut butter, try and find a kind with only peanuts and salt. Trader Joes makes a delicious one and so does MaraNatha.
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