Wednesday, February 23, 2011

oh my...he's in the locked car with the keys

Issac was locked in the car! Yes, it is true, Katie M. was getting ready to leave after graciously watching our kiddos (I went to a luncheon with Justin:) and realized Issac was in the car and her keys were too-and the doors were locked!
Little Issac tried to reach the locks, but he couldn't. Here Katie is talking to him through the window/door. He was amazing unconcerned and great about it!
My friend, Hollie, had once done the same thing with her little girl and so I knew the police/fire department would unlock doors for free if kids were involved. So for the third time in my life I called 911. After giving all the info about our address and number I told the operator our 'emergency'. A little boy was in a locked car (thankfully it wasn't too hot or too cold!)...he was awake and it had happened about 2 minutes ago. The operator responded that he would send out a fire truck right away. Really?? Could you just send a police car, I asked? He told me the fire department was the closest rescue he would send the fire department. I definitely felt silly by now. But thankful too!
The fire truck arrived with lights on and with FOUR firefighters. Yes, 4! Katie signed the sheet that it was okay for them to break into her car and Issac calmly watched it all from the back seat. They had him out in about 3 minutes. Yay!
They let the kids come and see the truck up close, but they were too scared to get much closer then the driveway. I think that our Katie learned we can't play in cars (she might have been the one to push the lock button) and that there are people who want to help us out in emergencies! She was FULL of questions after they left. Owen just managed to make his 'truck' noise almost the entire time.

Thanks again Katie for watching our kiddos. I promise (or at least will try) to make it less eventful next time we are together. :)
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Brandy Seago said...

Oh my goodness! I'm glad he was okay. He's so brave! I would have totally freaked out...

But, at least the kiddos had a good learning experience! :)

Metlife said...

What would be the fun in watching your kids if it didn't end with a visit from a firetruck?!!!