Thursday, March 31, 2011

Journaling-gray hair and pimples

Yes, I have gray hair....hummmm....there is a lot of it.

And I have a pimple. Oh boy...yuck!

At almost 33 it just seems wrong to have gray hair and a zit. :)

So I am thinking about coloring my hair......I'll tell you my recommendations for color if I do it (And Ms. Aunt Brandi-please don't tell me my hair will fall out if I use color from the store...I promise I would LOVE for you to do it, but alas....that's a long way to drive for a haircut/color, how about May? :)

Recommendation! I have some Tea Tree Oil soap that I love for these pesky pimples, it works great! Really by washing my face with it, it helps to cleanse my face and the pimple is stopped in its tracks. Here is the one I bought from Vitacost, Nature's Plus Tea Tree Oil Exfoliating Soap

Working to age well!

How about you? Any recommendations on this type of thing??


brandy said...

I do love Tea Tree Oil! It smells so clean! :) Are you still doing the Oil Cleansing Method?

Joy said...

i still have acne... bleh. i should try this. i use witch hazel as a toner and that seems to help.
Gi- this just means you are getting wiser with those shining hairs of yours!

Anna said...

Trader Joe's has a great tea tree oil face wash. I love the way it smells and I've barely had any break-outs since I started using it. It's only like $5 and it lasts forever. I sound like a commercial :)

Joy said...

Anna- can you get it online? because I'd be inclined to order it. or.. I could paypal you $5 and shipping and you could send it to me... pretty please?!