Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Very Interesting-what about time
A perspective on "time".
"I think we are underestimating the power of technology in rewiring young peoples brains".
worth watching!
"I think we are underestimating the power of technology in rewiring young peoples brains".
worth watching!
This is rare, but lovely!
Katie almost never sacks out unless in bed for bedtime or totally exhausted! Her naps have been a few days on then off a day, but trust me we are still trying to get in some good naps/quiet time. It helps a heart be happy! But as Justin and Katie were watching a few minutes of the World Cup this is what happened. Justin looked over and sound asleep was our little three year old. She slept with all the noise in the living room for about an hour. Just so sweet.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Easter Eggs in June
I bought this kit to dye Easter Eggs this past Easter Holiday and well, we didn't get to it until now! Katie has repeatedly pulled this out of the drawer begging to do it and I just haven't had the energy to get it all set up. But on Thursday Katie woke up from her nap and I surprised her having it all ready to go. It was a blast! Katie did a terrific job putting them in the dye and fixing the faces upon them. And as you can tell, Owen woke up while we were doing the eggs and didn't seem to mind playing by himself! It was a great activity (We even had a mini art class about mixing colors) and I think next holiday season I will buy two and save it as an fun activity later in the year again. Plus, who doesn't want some deviled eggs for a picnic in the summer. Yumm!
Our Daddy LOVES us like Crazy!
We ate ice cream for dinner on Father's day since that was Daddy's choice for dinner. And we grabbed this opportunity to snap this photo after church of his two special little ones.
"You're our favorite Daddy!"
Oh and notice that since Katie was eating cold ice cream she had to have her princess blanket to keep her warm. Yes it was 95 degrees, but don't try to reason with your three year old when it comes to what is necessary when eating ice cream!
Oh and notice that since Katie was eating cold ice cream she had to have her princess blanket to keep her warm. Yes it was 95 degrees, but don't try to reason with your three year old when it comes to what is necessary when eating ice cream!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Journaling-Three types of days.
Justin came home a few days ago after having a meeting with a gentleman for MI and told me about "titling your day" so as to set proper expectations. The gentleman he was meeting with is going through some coaching and said it is awesome; it has changed his daily tasks, from frustrating to good! He then told Justin about titling your day and Justin shared them with me. Since I so often have frustrated expectations at the end of the day I thought I would give it a try. And so far (within this week) it has helped! The gentleman also said that just like for anything to stick, we need to title our days for a few weeks to months. I am going to try!
So....at the start of my day I decide whether I am going to have a focused, buffer, or free day. Today was a buffer day. I got a few things done and then went and had a playdate. Yesterday was supposed to be a focused day-which didn't happen, but at least I had some thought to how to spend my day. And then earlier in the week I had a free day. Played with the kids outside, talked to some friends, blogged a bit and didn't do much working around the house.
This weekend I need to have some focused days. Maybe Justin can help me out with the little ones. We will see.
But let me know if you give this a try.
Justin came home a few days ago after having a meeting with a gentleman for MI and told me about "titling your day" so as to set proper expectations. The gentleman he was meeting with is going through some coaching and said it is awesome; it has changed his daily tasks, from frustrating to good! He then told Justin about titling your day and Justin shared them with me. Since I so often have frustrated expectations at the end of the day I thought I would give it a try. And so far (within this week) it has helped! The gentleman also said that just like for anything to stick, we need to title our days for a few weeks to months. I am going to try!
So....at the start of my day I decide whether I am going to have a focused, buffer, or free day. Today was a buffer day. I got a few things done and then went and had a playdate. Yesterday was supposed to be a focused day-which didn't happen, but at least I had some thought to how to spend my day. And then earlier in the week I had a free day. Played with the kids outside, talked to some friends, blogged a bit and didn't do much working around the house.
This weekend I need to have some focused days. Maybe Justin can help me out with the little ones. We will see.
But let me know if you give this a try.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Milk-A nutrition moment

For those of you that are interested in learning about why we buy milk from the farm, check out this article posted on Kitchen Stewardship. I think she does a great job at presenting the nutritional information in fresh milk. As well she is gracious in her writing, knowing that others do not see it her or our way.
Simply put, we think milk straight from the farm is safe, more nutritious-justifying the extra cost, super filling-hence the good fats and tastes delicious cup after cup!

Green time on Teal St. -a bit more of KS!
And finally, we got to spend some MUCH needed time at Nana and Papa's house. It was such a treat because Dorian was there (on summer break from CSU) Drew, Brandi, Nana and Papa. What a wonderful time playing and playing some more and more and more. Thanks to Drew for giving up his room for us and for Nana playing with Katie when she woke up early. Oh and thanks to Papa and others for playing downstairs in "Katie's Room" in the toy bucket. We all had a blast.
*Nana, Katie is still using her Princess plates for lunches and we even had to put out the table cloth for a picnic one day. It was worth it to bring it back!
Everyone of you is WELCOMED to come out and visit us. We would LOVE it! Hope to see you all soon.
Love, the NC 4
*Nana, Katie is still using her Princess plates for lunches and we even had to put out the table cloth for a picnic one day. It was worth it to bring it back!
Everyone of you is WELCOMED to come out and visit us. We would LOVE it! Hope to see you all soon.
Love, the NC 4
Nana-never without coffee and Katie never without Nana.
"I got you Dory!" And..."boys don't wear necklaces, Dory" says Katie.. :)
You look good in pink, Papa! Thanks for playing dress-up!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Justin put Katie to bed and then I went in and gave/got one last hug. As I gave her a big squeeze and said, I love you, I heard in my hear, "Momma you STINK! You need to go take a shower."
I think I will, thank you for confirming what I already know, little girl. :)
I think I will, thank you for confirming what I already know, little girl. :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
A beautiful morning.
Katie is growing up so quickly. It seems everytime we turn around we hear something new pour out of her mouth. Last week, Daddy told Katie that it was a beautiful morning and that he thought we should enjoy playing outside before it got to hot. A few moments later Katie asked Daddy, "Would you like to join me outside for a picnic breakfast?" What a special time for Daddy and Katie! Justin LOVES cool mornings and it was a treat to enjoy it with Katie before he left for work. They had oatmeal bake and good conversation around her table. Plus, it was a bonus that she was wearing her princess pjs. That made it even better!
I watched from inside and was amazed at how much she is growing up. We are blessed to have you, Pippers.

I watched from inside and was amazed at how much she is growing up. We are blessed to have you, Pippers.
What I often find
Often, Katie hears Owen wake up from a nap before I do. And in she rushes to play with him. This last time I came into his room and this was what my eyes beheld. Katie was pretty proud of herself to get into the crib with O. It is such fun to see them begin to interact with each other and have a great time playing!
Good Job Katie Grace, you are doing a wonderful job loving O! Or "cheeks" as you just told me today...it should be his new nickname you told me...No idea why you chose "cheeks" or "cheeky", but you sure think it is a great nick name! I guess Owen does have cute cheeks!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Choo Choo
He's on the fast track, from crawling to standing and now almost walking! Whew...I've got to keep my eyes on him at ALL times.
And I thought this little outfit was super cute and for only $2 I couldn't resist. Who wouldn't want this Caboose crawling around!
She'll be coming to visit you soon.
Yes, Katie has officially learned how to pedal! She is busy driving everywhere that she knows to go-grocery store, library, Daddy's office, Coffee Shop, Tea Room, Princess's house and her friend's homes...and one does not go anywhere without sunglasses.
Next step, her Princess bike! She has been trying this and I believe by the end of summer will willingly give up her tricycle to Owen for her bike. :0)
You go big girl!
PS thanks Nana for this sweeeeeeeeet outfit!
Hime Time in Kansas
Dear Grandpa and Aunt Brandi,
We LOVE you both! It was such fun to see you on and off throughout our trip. Thank you Brandi for all the hair cuts and thank you Grandpa for being flexible and seeing us, even on the spur of the moment-lunch, after work, inbetween work, coming to the airport... Aunt Brandi the Princess blanket is going to be put to great use and will keep Katie warm all winter long...she CAN'T wait to use it! And Grandpa the tutu is in our play box and has found it's home there...I am sure there will be some photos of that dancing around soon. Oh and Katie wants to use her $5 on a trip to the coffee shop with Daddy; that is sure to be memorable. :)
Side note, Owen needs some more holding time so please come out here and visit soon. We would SO love that! Oh and he LOVES the tricycle that Grandpa got Katie for her first birthday...look out he'll be riding that on his own soon.
It was wonderful to see you two.
Love you both,
all of us
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