Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy 7 months Owen-in May!



You are on the move and are crawling!
You are eating sweet potatoes, bananas, peas, pumpkin, acorn squash, blueberries (in the mesh bag), green beans, applesauce, yogurt-towards the end of the month and puff cheerios!
You LOVE your bath.
The Johnny Jumper is your best friend.
You Love pulling up on things and trying to stand for a second-we bet you walk by 9 months.
You take approx. one 45 minute nap and one 1.5/2 hour nap.
You're in bed about 7:30 and nurse at 10, 2:30 and then up at 7 am.
You need your momma a lot, but LOVE when daddy comes home.
You weigh 18.7 pounds (50%tile) and are 27 1/4 (50%tile) inches tall, head 45.5 (75%tile)
You still look very much like your Daddy at this stage. Though some people think your eyes are like mine.
You're sister loves to try to entertain you, and does a wonderful job! When she is frustrated at your littleness she tends to push your head. :) Good thing you have a hard head!
You have had the croup, a cold and teething drool, but otherwise very healthy!
Most people that see you say you look very mature. One lady at TJ's told us you look very distinguished, another said you look like a president!
All in all we LOVE you and are so excited for this next stage in life as you get busier and busier! (and right now I am watching the train roll along and you are walking right next to it holding on, whew!)

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