Thursday, June 3, 2010

If I could tell a young woman something about food...

I would tell her to learn to enjoy salads! I would tell her that salads are a wonderful addition-a staple, to her menu. To be creative and try new things on salads. To make sure she fights the fight to teach her kids, herself and her husband to love salads. They are just THAT good for you!

Salads are superb for digestion, cleaning your body out, to hid things that are super nutritious, can have wonderful proteins and great oils for fuel for your body.

Here are a few things we have put on our salads.

lettuce-all sorts, nuts-maple syruped or plain-almonds, pecans, cashews, corn, peas, feta cheese, blue cheese, goat cheese with honey, tomatoes, peppers, avocados, grilled chicken, chicken salad, craisins, blueberries, red onions, strawberries, olives, croutons, cucumbers, mushrooms, carrots, apples, roasted red peppers, sun-dried peppers, spinach, bacon, beans, hard boiled eggs...

And if you look for types of salads, the list is endless...chicken salad, tuna salad, Cobb salad, Greek salad, taco salad, seafood salad, Caesar salad, house salad, wilted ranch salad, warm spinach salad...

There are dressings galore out there. But watch for a few things. I avoid high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup and veg. oils (corn, sunflower). Look for one that has olive oil and honey or other natural sweetener. Most of the time we make our own now. I found a great ranch dressing that is delicious as well as a sweet oil one. Our vinaigrette has olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey or maple syrup, some spicy mustard, salt, pepper...mix it up and shake it! mouth is watering.

It has taken me a while, but we now have salads regularly for lunch or dinner. Justin takes one most everyday and when I ask Katie what she wants for lunch? "Salad please," she says!


Joy said...

totally doing this! Thanks for the recommendation!

Joy said...

i just made the best salad for lunch- I was showing Shaun the photos on here- so good!

ok- I didn't know that sunflower oil was bad.. I just use it like olive oil. Fill me in on why to watch out for it!