Thursday, June 24, 2010

Green time on Teal St. -a bit more of KS!

Owen doing what he does best....moving as fast as lightening.
Can you say swagger waggon?
"Please play with us Drew?!"
Ahh, Dory, we LOVE you!
Happy as a Lark with her Princess Cupcakes.
Happy with MORE princess colors.
Just reading...
Hey Drew-Man...
Can we get a pretty smile little girl?
And finally, we got to spend some MUCH needed time at Nana and Papa's house. It was such a treat because Dorian was there (on summer break from CSU) Drew, Brandi, Nana and Papa. What a wonderful time playing and playing some more and more and more. Thanks to Drew for giving up his room for us and for Nana playing with Katie when she woke up early. Oh and thanks to Papa and others for playing downstairs in "Katie's Room" in the toy bucket. We all had a blast.
*Nana, Katie is still using her Princess plates for lunches and we even had to put out the table cloth for a picnic one day. It was worth it to bring it back!
Everyone of you is WELCOMED to come out and visit us. We would LOVE it! Hope to see you all soon.
Love, the NC 4
Nana and Owen, sweeeeet.
Dancing the night away. Thank goodness for Pandora and Disney music!
Seriously. We LOVE this guy.
Katie had SO much fun with Papa!
Nana-never without coffee and Katie never without Nana.
"I got you Dory!" And..."boys don't wear necklaces, Dory" says Katie.. :)
You look good in pink, Papa! Thanks for playing dress-up!
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