Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A few favorite things right now...

We buy butter from an Amish family and believe me it is worth the $4 per pound. (grass-fed and not processed). When I shop no matter what...the butter stays on the list! We eat it on toast or fresh steamed veggies...anything where it doesn't allow the butter to be cooked. This way the dense nutrients that are in butter actually make it into our bodies! And did you know that for the body to process grains well, butter (ie fats) helps tremendously? They work together like, yes, butter and bread-hehe-to help digestion in your body!
And I didn't think I could tell a difference between butters, but this is real butter and it is out of this world delicious. Now that we have eaten this butter for three years I can't, I won't, go back to store bought butter unless using in it baking/cooking. And this article is worth reading if you want to know about "Why butter is healthy"!

I wouldn't do so much blogging if it weren't for Picasa. Picasa makes it easy to blog, print, share and edit photos. Worth downloading for free!

This lightweight potty from IKEA is fantastic! It costs about $4 and worth every penny. We keep it in the truck and use it weekly instead of going in the stores. Even if you don't live near an IKEA (which we don't) have a friend (thanks Brandy)send you one. Really it would be difficult to live without it while driving around town or on trips! We've had it for about a year and it is still in great shape. FYI-when using it, park car near grass or trees-makes it easier to toss that tinkle :) and keep some wet wipes and Lysol wipes in it so it stays clean and germ free.

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