Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kansas part 1/5321

The Kids and I arrived in Kansas on Tuesday and were whisked away to my parents house in Eudora, or "Dora" as Katie says! (side note-we drove though some down pours that were so heavy we almost had to pull off bc we couldn't see the road. Got to love Midwest storms!) Mimi, Grandpa and Aunt Pie were there to play and play some more. We had a terrific time with their toy box, swing, pond, tractor and 4 wheeler. The weather even was beautiful! I loved the constant breeze that blew through the trees. We celebrated Katie's birthday with a homemade cheery pie-cherries from their cherry tree and helped Owen learn to stand on his own. We also got to see Uncle Tommy and to be Aunt Julie. They arrived with gifts for all and they are still the cutest couple who have a great time together and with everyone else. It is a bummer that Hawaii is to far away, therefore making it to their destination wedding isn't going to happen for this bunch-but we can't wait to see photos and celebrate with you all! Oh and Tommy, I won 4-square for sure! Best three out of five right? Aunt Pie had a fashion show which was a mazing and Mimi wowed us with her new decorating. Grandpa pulled tractors and gave rides on all the outside toys...Whew it was a great trip!
Thanks Mimi, Grandpa, Uncle Tommy, Ms. Aunt Julie and Auntie Pie for all the fun! We want to do it again sometime soon. :)
Love and hugs to everyone (even Uncle Dustin who we hope to see next time!)
PS Why didn't I get a photo with Mimi and Grandpa and the kids?? yikes....Aunt Pie do you have any??
PPSS and Mimi, I KNOW you played with the kiddos much more then my photos show...sorry about not capturing those moments. :( But we know you played your heart out!



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