Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Journaling-a update of fashion and scheduling.

I have been on a mission, and anyone that reads this blogs knows, to put together a few new outfits and to get my family on a loose schedule. Thanks to Joy, Kristin, Cary (Martha) and Allison the fashion is coming along! And thanks to Robin, Katie, Kristin, Beth, Joy and a few book for their thoughts and help on scheduling. Slowly I am working on this season of life. I have heard it said, the only thing constant is change! So true.

Fashion-I'll post a photo soon of the outfits that I have put together or the few new accessories that I have gathered to complete something. I have also enjoyed purging my closet of those things that I just don't wear. I am amazed that I am still getting rid of stuff from high school. Though those things are almost back in style. ha! Yes, high school was 13 years ago-wow.

Scheduling. Here is what we are currently doing. Things will change I am sure and I want to have the grace to go with the flow. But as of now our days look loosely like this.

*Wake up-between 6:30 and 7 for the kids. (Justin is up by about 6 and I am trying to as well.)

*Breakfast and play time-7-9. I might try to do one chore, plus cleaning up from breakfast.

*Nap/read/get ready-9-10:30. Owen naps, Katie and I read then she plays which is her room time-35minutes. I also do her hair since it is "crazy" in the morning (those are her words) and I get ready. Getting ready also includes some reading for me as well. We also have a small snack to tide us until lunch time around 10ish

*Errands or park/walking/be outside-10:30-noon

*lunch and playtime-noon-1

*Naps(Katie quiet time if she is not tired-one hour)/my to do list- 1-3ish.

*Snack/Outside time/Errands if not earlier-3-4:30

*Dinner prep/chores/(bath time if our day has been challenging)-4:30

*Dinner/clean up-5:30

*Baths/playtime with daddy(this could include our evening walk)-6:30

*Bedtime-7:15 for O and for K- 7:30 if no nap, 8:15 for K if she had had a nap. (tonight was a good example of a nap that affected her bedtime...she finally went to sleep about 9:20! We are still trying to figure out naps/bedtimes)

*Do everything thing I didn't get to earlier in the day-8-10! Sometimes I just sit and stare, if it has been "one of those crazy" days

*Parent bedtime by 10! I wish we didn't need 8 hours of sleep, but that is just reality. I tried to stay up until 11, but I was a zoombie the following days. So I will stick with what our bodies need, and for us it is at least 8 hours! :)

A few thoughts....
-Why do we do room time? Three reasons. One-it is a short amount of time that allows Katie to learn to play creatively by herself. It teaches her how to play through her boredom. Second-it helps her learn to do something quietly. She has learned to be okay by herself and not need people to entertain. Third-she is learning how to be around adults that are having conversations and not need to be the center of attention. For example, when we have folks over for dinner. We can give her the option of, "Listening to adult conversation", or she can sit quietly and read books on the carpet by our table. And forth...actually it is a nice time for me to regroup. There are times throughout the day when I think I will loose my temper, or loose control of my emotions. I need the quiet time for me. It is short and most of the time it is a breath of calm air. I think the scriptures tell us to be still. This time is something for that. Many times I simply pray for a few minutes before reading or getting ready.

*This schedule we are going to try for the next few months. I am sure things will change when Owen drops his morning nap.

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