Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Princess and her pet giraffe

Tonight Katie got her first experience with trick or treating. She really enjoyed it. By the end she was jumping up and down with excitement as she waited for kids to come to our door! We did go to a few of our neighbors with her and after she understood that they give HER candy, just wanted to always go to 'one more house'. HA! She was nervous, but really enjoyed knocking on the doors. Owen on the other hand, LOVED being outside. He was constantly yelling hi and reaching for the candy bowls. :)
One cute thing is that before she realized that others gave her candy, we came out to the living room and found Katie stuffing our candy into her bag-she was pretty upset when we asked her to put it back in the bowl. We tried to get her to understand that she got candy when she went to our neighbors, but that didn't sink in until we were finally outside and she had some in her polka dot bag. :)
We tried to get a cute photo of the two of them, but alas it didn't work at all! Either Katie was giving Owen instructions like above, or Owen was lunging for the candy bowl, or somebodies eyes were closed etc. Oh well, they were cute and had a good time.

And finally what other holiday is every front porch light on brightly down the street? What other holiday is every neighbor waiting for you to come knock on the door? What other holiday are the kids walking around with their parents? So even though we are not a fan of Halloween, it is fascinating that this holiday drawls so many folks outside. And it is neat that we got to meet neighbors that we hadn't yet in 2.5 months.

1 comment:

*Melissa Anne* said...

EEEEEK! How the heck did you get such amazingly cute kids! Halloween is the best for little kids...they are just so darn cute in their costumes!