Monday, October 25, 2010

Owen you're one year old and

you're amazing. There isn't a day that goes by that we are thankful for our little boy. You've grown so quickly. You've moved on from sitting to crawling and if you had it your way right now you would be running. You're so active! Below are a few things that I want to remember about you right now.

You are always hungry, though picky too. Interestingly, you will eat almost anything when we are at Harris Teeter and I am feeding you turkey or cheese or a piece of fruit to sample. But then if you are in your high chair you demand to have bread, and bread alone. You LOVE bread. A few other things that you like-baked oatmeal, hot dogs, some cheese, crackers, yogurt, pineapple, apples, taco meat, rice, peas and stuffed green peppers.
But you love to drink water. I think you empty your sippy cup about three times a day with just water. That doesn't count any milk.

You are very into riding anything. Your rocking horse, the musical train, the rug rolled up...

You have learned from Katie how to dance and spin in circles. Your ability to hear sounds is amazing. You can hear the ding on the toaster oven and come running. You hear the phone ringing and say hello. You hear the toilet flush and you magically appear beside it. Your ears work well!

You use anything as a phone, walking around saying, hello?

When daddy gets home it is WONDERFUL. We love seeing you run to the door and press your nose against it while yelling loudly.

As the photo shows, you rub your ear and suck your fingers when tired. You still don't sleep well. We are helping you work on this. You need a short nap around 9 am and then a longer one about 1:30. You go to bed about 7:30 and wake up a few times throughout.

You've learned how to give super hugs and open mouth kisses.

If you could you would live outside. It is your favorite place. You love sticks and rocks. You try to put everything in your mouth just to test it out. You love the park, especially the slides.

Discipline. It doesn't seem to faze you. If we tell you no-like the fireplace-and move you away to somewhere else, you are back at the fireplace within 2 minutes. You've had your fingers flicked numerous times for playing in the toilet. You seem to be a bit stubborn.

You love handing us books to read, but then only sit and listen to one page before getting up to hand us another book.

We never saw Katie climb like you do. You try and climb the dishwasher or frig or onto chairs. You still have amazing strength.

You have a great smile-with just about all your teeth.

We love you more and more each day. You are a blessing
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