Friday, October 22, 2010

Kansas with Nana, Papa, Uncle Drew and Aunt Brandi

I love my Nana! And do you see that great big smile on Katie's face? Yep, Nana took Katie down to the American Girl Doll store. She had a blast. She also came back with a new outfit for Magnolia and a crib. Yes, I traveled home with a baby doll crib!
We played a lot of dress up! I tried taking a photo of Katie, but she wouldn't wear her dress high enough to post the photo. I think we will have a modesty talk soon. :)

Owen played with all the decorations! Sorry Nana!
They both helped Nana do her hair before she left for work.
We watched Uncle Drew #38, play his freshman football game. Katie kept yelling, "Go Drew, Go Drew!" no matter if he was on the sidelines or in the game. Pretty cute. She did wonder why there wasn't any popcorn or a band playing or the cheerleaders cheering. It is hard to explain to a three year old why they don't come to a Wednesday afternoon game. Anyway she stepped in and did the cheering. Can't wait to see what your team does this year, Drew!
And we also got some time with Papa as we watched the game!

And then finally we were glad to see Aunt Brandi and Mr. Silas. We spent time with them at my brothers reception, at my parents house, at Nana's house and at the game. Seriously-that's dedication. We loved that you all worked your schedules to see us-THANK YOU. What a treat!

All in all, time with Nana and Papa was short, but we were GLAD to be with them. Maybe sometime soon we can spend a week at your house. :) Thanks for loving on us so well.

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